Becks, possibly the worst knitter in the world
Oubliette :: Throw a stranger an unexpected smile says:
ooh are you knitting??
possibly the worst knitter in the world says:
attempting too
its hideous
i wanted to learn knitty too
this is what you get for attempting to learn how to knit from online sources
there are LJs for knitting made up of young 20somethings who knit cute things
i think i need to do a class
i cant have words telling me what to dowith my hands
it doesnt work that way
wot is LJs?
i really suck at knitting
if i show you my work you will laugh
at least im funny
is it a shapeless and neverending scarf?
lj = livejournal!
it HAS a shape
its just that im not sure what kinda shape it is
amoeba like
im sure people would totally go for knitted amoebas
it IS a nice colour though
which is?
looks like a heart of some fashion
with some imagination
made with love!
heh the thing with knitting is
the easiest thing to make is scarfs butnobody needs them here
even a scarf is too ambitious a project for me
and i shall never blight anyone with a wonky scarf made by me!
unless there's good reason to be so cruel
its always the thought that be counting!
the four right chords can make me cry
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
So good to meet up with friends like Fadz, we don't have to do anything special, it's the company that really counts.
On the train back, I met yu zhong and was quite surprised at how much he was the same. As we fingered through the past to look for common ground, I wonder how everyone from my secondary school days are doing. I wonder what they imagine I would be now. He seemed to think that I would be doing Law.
While I was walking the dog, this other dog ran out from nowhere towards us. I instinctively bent down and threw my arms around my dog, who was much smaller than this slobbering beast approaching us and who has been attacked by another dog before, requiring stitches and everything. I picked him up and walked away, thinking.
There admittedly aren't very many things that I truly love. But when I do love, I'd like to think that I do it wholeheartedly. Am I really all that naive?
The past is a funny thing. Or rather, we remember it funny. I've always mistrusted my memory, not simply because I'm quite absent-minded though you may find that funny. But because of how subjective it is, how very differently two people can remember the same conversation, because of how arbitrary and selective the details we recall are, how there used to be a pole right in the middle but it isn't there anymore, because of how a new piece of information or attitude can cause us to look back at the same memory and it's become completely different. And yet what do we have if not our memories?
Thats the question being asked in Bladerunner. What if you are a replicant? What if your memories are not your own? What does that make you?
Death cab say it this way:
It stung like a violent wind
That our memories depend on a faulty camera in our minds
I bought Plans today at HMV, very pleased. However, am puzzled as to why Transatlanticism is twice the price at $30 =(
On the train back, I met yu zhong and was quite surprised at how much he was the same. As we fingered through the past to look for common ground, I wonder how everyone from my secondary school days are doing. I wonder what they imagine I would be now. He seemed to think that I would be doing Law.
While I was walking the dog, this other dog ran out from nowhere towards us. I instinctively bent down and threw my arms around my dog, who was much smaller than this slobbering beast approaching us and who has been attacked by another dog before, requiring stitches and everything. I picked him up and walked away, thinking.
There admittedly aren't very many things that I truly love. But when I do love, I'd like to think that I do it wholeheartedly. Am I really all that naive?
The past is a funny thing. Or rather, we remember it funny. I've always mistrusted my memory, not simply because I'm quite absent-minded though you may find that funny. But because of how subjective it is, how very differently two people can remember the same conversation, because of how arbitrary and selective the details we recall are, how there used to be a pole right in the middle but it isn't there anymore, because of how a new piece of information or attitude can cause us to look back at the same memory and it's become completely different. And yet what do we have if not our memories?
Thats the question being asked in Bladerunner. What if you are a replicant? What if your memories are not your own? What does that make you?
Death cab say it this way:
It stung like a violent wind
That our memories depend on a faulty camera in our minds
I bought Plans today at HMV, very pleased. However, am puzzled as to why Transatlanticism is twice the price at $30 =(
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I've been away at 2 camps. Here are some photos from my time at the project timothy bible conference on wealth. Will post photos from VCF FOC when I receive some.

Sunday, July 15, 2007
You are hereby invited to the following event:
Engraving the World exhibition at SAM
+ curator tour from 7:30-8:30pm
What: An important collection from the Lourve and insight into a not-so-well-known medium of expression.
Where: Singapore Art Museum
71 Bras Basah Road, Singapore 189555
When: Friday, July 20 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (approx, I haven't really decided yet)
Free admission on Fridays from 6-9pm!
Engraving the World exhibition at SAM
+ curator tour from 7:30-8:30pm
What: An important collection from the Lourve and insight into a not-so-well-known medium of expression.
Where: Singapore Art Museum
71 Bras Basah Road, Singapore 189555
When: Friday, July 20 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (approx, I haven't really decided yet)
Free admission on Fridays from 6-9pm!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I'm 22 for a moment.
Very blessed to have friends who love me so much.
Thanks for all the smses and emails.
Thanks for the joint celebration with Sam yesterday, was good to catch up with everyone.
Thanks Serene for staying over with me and "waking up" at ungodly hours and waiting around a whole bunch of sweaty runners! Much fun we had at 5 in the morning =)
Thanks Daniel for letting yourself be pyschoed into running with me =)
Thanks Graham for getting up so early and showing us your support.
Thanks Chels, Dawn and Shaun for surprising me at the finishing line! That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me in a long time!
Happy and satisfied.
Very blessed to have friends who love me so much.
Thanks for all the smses and emails.
Thanks for the joint celebration with Sam yesterday, was good to catch up with everyone.
Thanks Serene for staying over with me and "waking up" at ungodly hours and waiting around a whole bunch of sweaty runners! Much fun we had at 5 in the morning =)
Thanks Daniel for letting yourself be pyschoed into running with me =)
Thanks Graham for getting up so early and showing us your support.
Thanks Chels, Dawn and Shaun for surprising me at the finishing line! That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me in a long time!
Happy and satisfied.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
When I don't blog for a relatively long period of time, it usually means one of three things:
1) I'm too busy to blog
2) I'm too depressed to blog
3) Nothing's been happening worth blogging about
this time, it's been a curious mix of all 3.
But the fact that I'm blogging now cancels out #3; not blogging is the thing I'm blogging about. and a dinner appointment cancelled tonight so #1 is out, too.
Maybe I've been watching too much Daria.
1) I'm too busy to blog
2) I'm too depressed to blog
3) Nothing's been happening worth blogging about
this time, it's been a curious mix of all 3.
But the fact that I'm blogging now cancels out #3; not blogging is the thing I'm blogging about. and a dinner appointment cancelled tonight so #1 is out, too.
Maybe I've been watching too much Daria.